Training and event paper presentation videos online
Over the last years we published more than 50 articles, papers, books, webinars and we also continuously updated our training materials. However, some of the training material and especially scientific papers only reach a small percentage of the embedded community. Therefore we decided to publish more free educational videos to reach more of you. As a start we created several playlists on our EmSA Youtube channel. These include:
- CANopen FD Intro
Introductory videos to CANopen FD, also covering some basics like an introduction to the CANopen Object Dictionary concept - CAN (FD) Security:
Video collection about CAN and CAN FD security challenges and solutions - MCUXpresso Middleware:
Video collection about NXP’s MCUXpresso and CANopen libraries included
We plan to publish more videos in the upcoming month, further focusing on CAN, CAN FD, CANopen, CANopen FD topics including introductory videos as well as in-depth technology classes.
Please subscribe to the channel to stay informed about new videos published.