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What CAN you accomplish with CAN-FD? – A Two-Part Webinar Series

May 17th, 2017 Comments off

NXP offers a Two-Part Webinar based on the LPC54000 series about CAN-FD and secure bootloaders.

Part I: “An intro to CAN-FD” will be held on Thursday, May 25, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM CEST.
In this webinar CAN bus expert Andy Ayre from Embedded Systems Academy will give you a technical overview of the improvements and benefits of CAN-FD over classic CAN, and how to specifically leverage this new technology on the LPC54618 MCU.

Part II: “CAN stack porting and secure bootloaders” will be held on Thursday, June 29, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM CEST.
Experts from Embedded Systems Academy explain the requirements for an implementation of secure and non-secure bootloaders in CAN and CAN-FD systems – leveraging the LPC546xx MCU family as an example.

Register now for these events on the NXP website at:


Commercial CANcrypt Software Solution now available

April 19th, 2017 Comments off

The Embedded Systems Academy now has the commercial version of CANcrypt available. It includes the hardcover, full-color version of the book and examples for both, the pairing and grouping modes. Demo implementations are provided for various NXP LPC processors (LPC23xx, LPC17xx and LPC11Cxx), the STM32F0xx as well as for the PEAK PCAN basic library supporting PEAK CAN interfaces.

The pairing demo shows how a 128bit key is securely transmitted from one device to another. The grouping demo shows secure communication between three devices. Here security is based on a session key that is continuously updated and gets saved when ungrouping. You can find more information including the software manual and the license information in our online store at

Categories: CAN, Security Tags: , ,

Upcoming conferences and presentations

January 16th, 2017 Comments off

This spring, the tutors of ESAcademy present five CAN and CANopen related papers at the 16th international CAN Conference and the Embedded World Conference 2017.

16th iCC, 7th to 8th March 2017 in Nuremberg

Bernhard Floeth (Opel) and Olaf Pfeiffer (ESAcademy):
Using an enhanced condensed device configuration file format for CANopen boot-loading and/or device testing
This paper presents the enhanced CDCF player integrated in our free CANopen File Player and CANopen Diag projects. It supports spreadsheet based (.csv) Object Dictionary access with active flow control. (Tuesday, March 07, 2017, Session II)

Andrew Ayre (ESAcademy):
Automated trace analysis for testing of CANopen devices
This paper presents a summary of the debug information extractable from CANopen trace recordings. The functionality described in this paper are implemented in our Logxaminer software. (Wednesday, March 08, 2017, Session VII)

Olaf Pfeiffer (ESAcademy) and Christian Keydel (ESAcademy):
Scalable security for CAN, CANopen, and other CAN protocols
This paper describes the main functionality of the CANcrypt security framework described in our book “Implementing Scalable
CAN Security with CANcrypt”. (Wednesday, March 08, 2017, Session VIII)

Meet our tutors at our tabletop display table at the conference.

Embedded World Conference 2017, 14th to 16th March 2017, Nuremberg

Christian Keydel (ESAcademy):
Secure CANopen (FD) Bootloading
This paper shows how to adapt the security mechanisms introduced by CANcrypt to CANopen, CAN (FD) and bootloading. (THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2017, Session 25/I)

Olaf Pfeiffer (ESAcademy):
CiA 447, the CANopen Standard for After-Market Automotive Applications
This paper summarizes the key features of the CANopen application profile CiA 447. These include wake-up and sleep mechanisms as well as plug-and play functionality. (THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2017, Session 25/II)

Meet our tutors at the PEAK System booth (Hall 1, Booth 1-483)

We look forward to meeting you

Categories: CAN, CANopen, Security Tags: , , ,

MicroCANopen Plus 5.50 Available

October 2nd, 2010 Comments off

MicroCANopen Plus and MicroCANopen Plus Add-in Manager have been updated. The highlights in the new version of the embedded CANopen stack are:

  • More clarity and easier maintenance in user-configurable files by dividing call back functions into multiple files
  • More flexibility by adding many more data call backs for SDO accesses
  • Framework support to guard Object Dictionary entries with auto-generated minimum and maximum values from EDS/DCF file

Customers with ongoing maintenance agreement with us are entitled to a free upgrade. In this case, please download the new version from

using the activation code(s). For those projects using auto-generated code, also update CANopen Architect EDS to the latest version.

The process to update embedded firmware libraries that become part of a bigger project can be complicated. For that reason, we have developed tools and to ease this on-time task.

Contact us if you are interested in obtaining or need assistance in performing the update.