EmSA is pleased to announce the release of version 10 of CANopen Magic. This version adds some exciting new features.
- Initial support for CiA-454 EnergyBus, including high-level message interpretation
- Simplified read and write windows with easy switching to advanced versions
- J1939 trace interpretation script
- User interface improvements
Users on a maintenance contract can obtain the new release as usual. To try out CANopen Magic with a fully-operational trial visit http://www.canopenmagic.com.
We have released a new version of CANopen Architect, aimed at advanced users. The new Professional version builds upon the features found in the Standard version adding new functionality for quicker data entry and ideal for developers of CANopen products.
The Professional version can export Electronic Data Sheets as Word documents, allowing automatic generation of product manuals and internal documentation. Enter a descriptive text for each entry, choose the export options and save. The output can be used as a standalone manual or can be copied and pasted into an existing manual. Options are provided for using a template document and styling headings and tables.
A user-friendly PDO configuration window has been added. The new window allows quick and easy PDO creating and editing at a higher level than Object Dictionary entries. Mappings can be changed and reviewed without worrying about needing to keep the various underlying Object Dictionary entries consistent. Users of our CANopen Magic configuration and analysis tool will find the new window immediately familiar.
The new version provides an integrated command line interface allowing power users to quickly create and manipulate large amounts of PDOs. Commands can be placed into files and executed in a single step. Multiple commands for a variety of situations are provided and will be added to from time to time.
For details of the new features and to try the evaluation version please visit the CANopen Architect website.
Existing users of CANopen Magic Standard are able to upgrade. Please contact us for pricing.
Germany has filed an application for a new standardization project (NWIP): “Road vehicles – Application profile for CAN-based network – Framework for special-purpose cars”.
This application profile specifies the CAN physical layer as well as application configuration and diagnostic parameters for the add-on devices used in special-purpose passenger cars such as taximeter, roof bar, etc. This document (also known as CiA447) specifies the physical layer, the data link layer and related communication services, the general system architecture and power management.
We believe that the creation of a new international standard would lead to further adoption and benefits for vehicle manufacturers and customizers. If there is sufficient interest we understand this project will be developed within the ISO working group TC22 SC31 WG3 “Road vehicles – Data communication – In-vehicle networks”.
If you would like to see this happen please contact Sarah Follert at CAN-in-Automation for details on who to contact in your country. Her email address is at the end of this article regarding the push for international standardization for car add-on devices.
We have made improvements to our CiA447 gateway simulation.
It now has an additional function to simulate driving at a fixed speed for a fixed duration. The odometer, speed indicator and wheel pulse counter are updated accordingly.
This new feature especially helps with testing applications that measure distance traveled, like taximeters or board computers for telematic applications.
The main simulation DLL can be exchanged. If a car manufacturer publishes the required details about their gateways, the simulation provides exactly those data objects that the real car uses.
For more details and pricing please contact us.
Recently we released a new version of CANopen Magic with significant improvements to the way user-defined CAN messages are handled. Here is a brief summary:
- Messages can now be grouped together allowing for more logical viewing and keeping messages with similar uses together
- Cut, copy and paste supports moving and copying messages between the groups
- The order of the messages in a group can be manipulated to allow quicker and easier identification
- All messages in a group can be transmitted at once
- Sequential message transmission
In particular the sequential message transmission is a useful new feature. Repeatedly clicking on a button causes the next message in the group to be transmitted. When the last message in the group has been reached transmission resumes with the first message in the group. This allows complex sequences of messages to be constructed and then transmitted, for example to provide input stimuli to a node under test at a specific point in it’s operation or to mimic transmissions from a node that has not yet been developed.

Available in CANopen Magic Standard, Professional and Ultimate starting with version 6.10. Download the evaluation version.
The number of product developments supporting the automotive standard for ‘add-on devices’ CiA447 is on the rise.
The standard supports electronic devices used in taxis, emergency response vehicles and other governmental service vehicles. Typical components include roof bars (light & sound), radios, control units, taximeters, printers and similar devices.
Using a CiA447 gateway, automotive manufacturers like Daimler already provide access to the vehicles internal data today. The standard allows sharing some of the car’s resources like switches and displays with CiA447 devices. A steering wheel button can be used as the PTT (push to talk) button for a radio, which in return can use the car’s display to show channel numbers, volume settings or such. Read more…
Texas Instruments have released a lost cost evaluation board for their MSP430 microcontroller family and Value Line series. Utilizing free code-limited compilers, the board with cables costs $4.30 direct from Texas Instruments, with free shipping. This represents a very low-cost way to get started with this microcontroller family.
Visit the Texas Instruments site MSP430 LaunchPad (MSP-EXP430G2) to learn more.
We have released a new product called “Flash Magic Production System NET” which contains support for writing Flash Magic based applications in .NET languages.
Included are .NET assemblies for each of the driver DLLs used by Flash Magic. The API has been designed to take advantage of .NET features such as exceptions while maintaining familiarity for those already working with the existing C-based API.
The users of these new .NET assemblies allow developers to quick start working with Flash Magic technologies using the .NET language of their choice.
View a comparison table (scroll down) showing the differences between the new product and the existing Flash Magic Production System.
The Production System version can now be installed by an Administrator User and then used by a Limited User, ideal for production line use. The Limited User can access all the functionality of the application (with the exception of Ethernet bootloader support) and they cannot uninstall it.
This release also contains some minor improvements for the P89(L)V51Rx2 and LPC1751 devices. Get it now from http://www.flashmagictool.com.